Monday, January 30, 2012

January 31

Year 8 we are sailing through the Investigation.  Well done!

Zé if you would like to change your topic from Education to an environmental issue, see me;-)

3.  Formulate a Design Specification

Below is a list of design specifications that my product must have:
  • Correct spelling  (why?)
  • Appropriate language (why?)
  • Colourful (why?)
  • Image (why?)
  • Interesting content (why?)
Next, I will create a test to evaluate my Prezi. I will create a questionnaire.  On a scale of 1-5 (1=awful, 5=awesome) I will ask the following questions.

IB Learner Profile: Thinker

Learning objectives: The student will design, with guidance, tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 30
2.  Look at 2 Prezi's to get ideas and information to help you make a creative presentation.

  • Include printscreen of Prezi
  • Describe what the presentation is about
  • Do you like it?  Why or why not?
  • Did you get any ideas that you would like to use in your Prezi
3.  Gather information on your topic to put on your Prezi to share with others.

IB Learner Profile - Inquirer

If you don't finish this in class today, please continue for homework. This work must be done as tomorrow we will work on the design specifications and Friday we will hand in the Investigation and do a tutorial on Prezi.

Learning objectives: The student will identify websites as possible sources of information, learn how to reference sources.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 25, 27 - New Project
Year 8 we will start our new project today.  Anyone who has not finished their Evaluate - Criterion E can finish it (homework club, lunchtime or homework) and give it to me no later than Friday.  It's important that we move on to meet our Term 2 deadlines.

Term 2 Deadlines are as follows:
Investigate - February 3
Design - February 10
Plan - February 17
Create - March 2
Evaluate - March 9

1.  Identify the Problem
Write 2 paragraphs that will serve as an introduction to your project. See Investigate Template for assistance.

2.  Develop a Design Brief
The following research questions will give me enough knowledge to solve my unit question.
1.  What is Prezi? (Include a definition using your own words.)
2.  Look at 2 Prezi's to get ideas and information to help you make a creative presentation.

  • Include printscreen of Prezi
  • Describe what the presentation is about
  • Do you like it?  Why or why not?
  • Did you get any ideas that you would like to use in your Prezi
3.  Gather information on your topic to put on your Prezi to share with others.

IB Learner Profile - Inquirer

If you don't finish this in class today, please continue for homework.

Learning objectives: The student will identify websites as possible sources of information, learn how to reference sources.

Term 2 Investigate Template


1. Identify the Problem   (write 2 paragraphs - minimum of 6 sentences each )

1 sentence - State the problem that you are going to solve.  *
1 sentence - Restate (say again in your own words) the problem
2-3 sentences - Say why we are doing this project - develop your ideas
1 sentence – Say how you will solve the problem
1 sentence - Say who your "target audience" is (teenagers)
6 sentences – Say how  the area  of interaction, Environments,  connects to your project

The problem I am going to solve in IT class this term is, “How can I help change the world?"
Area of interaction focus
Which area of interaction will be our focus?
Why have we chosen this?

Taking action on: A range of issues related to environments.

Identify, show, compare and contrast problems or issues in a particular environment.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 25

Term 2 Due Dates

  • Investigate - Feb 3
  • Design - Feb 10
  • Plan - Feb 17
  • Create - March 2
  • Evaluate - March 9

Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 20, 25

Year 8, Time's Up. Projects due January 25

Please submit your Evaluation today.  Please talk to me if you are unable to submit your work.  We will start our new project next week;-)

IB Learner Profile: Communicator

Learning objectives - The student will: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved, consider the impact of the product/solution on individuals and/or society, and explain how the product/solution could be improved.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 16, 17

Please finish your Create.  Submit  your digital story and the paragraph evaluating your plan;-)

Then, let's move on to EVALUATE - Criterion E (maximum 6)

1.Students are expected to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification in an objective manner based on testing, and to evaluate its impact on life, society and/or the environment. They are expected to explain how the product/solution could be improved as a result of these evaluations.
2.Students are expected to evaluate their own performance at each stage of the design cycle and to suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

To get a 6 the student: evaluates the success of the product/solution considering the results of testing, and the views of the user. The student evaluates their own performance at some stages of the design cycle and considers improvements. The student considers the impact of the product/solution on life, society and/or the environment.

1. Open your Investigation and locate your questionnaire. Show your digital story to 5 people and ask them to answer your questionnaire.

2. Write a paragraph to "analyze" the feedback. In other words write about the scores that you received and say how your digital story could be improved.
3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create AND suggest ways that you can improve your performance. (You need 4 paragraphs here).

4. Write a final paragraph saying if you accomplished your goal and what impact it will have. In other words, look at the unit question - were you successful? Explain. (If you completed a digital story you were successful.  Remember the impact the digital story will have is that we will all learn about each other's cultures and become more tolerant.  This sense of understanding will make us better global citizens and lead to a better world;-)

Learning objectives - The student will: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 13
Year 8, Let's finish up with the narrations today.

Please let me know who still has to narrate.

Make sure that your digital story meets the Design Specification:

 - a minimum of 15 photos/images,
 - at least 2 photos should include text/title,
 - at least 2 photos should have an “transition/motion”,
 - background music,
 - narration (voice overlay) appropriate to topic,
 - time length - approximately 2 minutes,
 - each student presentation should creatively display relative information

Write a paragraph saying whether you plan worked or not and print this and hand it in.

IB Learner Profile - Knowledgeable

Please remember to leave me a comment to tell me that you understood your assignment;-)    

Learning Objectives:  The student will: use appropriate techniques and equipment competently; create a product/solution of appropriate quality.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 11

Year 8, Friday, January 13 is the last day that you can submit your digital stories and paragraph stating whether your Plan worked or not.

Remember you should be using your plan as a checklist.

Your digital story should meet the following Design Specifications:

·         a minimum of 15 photos/images,
·         at least 2 photos should include text/title,
·         at least 2 photos should have an “transition/motion”,
·         background music,
·         narration (voice overlay) appropriate to topic,
·         time length - approximately 2 minutes,
·         each student presentation should creatively display relative information.

IB Learner Profile - Knowledgeable

Please remember to leave me a comment to tell me that you understood your assignment;-)    

Learning Objectives:  The student will: use appropriate techniques and equipment competently; create a product/solution of appropriate quality.

Monday, January 2, 2012

January 3, 6

Year 8 Welcome to 2012!

You should have finished your Plans and are ready to start the FUN part of this project: CREATE - Criterion D.

According to the IBO:

Students are expected to follow their plan, to evaluate the plan and to justify any changes they make to the plan while they are creating the product/solution.

To get full marks (5/6): The student uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the majority of the plan and mentions any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of appropraiate quality using the resources available.

1.  Follow your plan to create your Digital Story

IB Learner Profile - Knowledgeable

Remember to leave me a comment to tell me that you understood your assignment;-)   

Learning Objectives for Create:  The student will: use appropriate techniques and equipment competently; create a product/solution of appropriate quality.