Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 22, 24

Year 8, it's time to finish our Investigations.

3. Formulate a Design Specification

1) Let's create a list of design specification which you will then justify.
    (ex: appropriate buildings within the castle walls, 3 layers of defence, separate well, authentic materials, realistic looking buildings, colour, )

2) Create a test to evaluate your 3-D castle. Let's brainstorm different ways that we can test the design specifications.

3)Then, open Trimble (formerly Google) SketchUp and begin the tutorials:

Submit Investigation April 24 by end of class

IB Learner Profile - Inquirer

Learning Objectives -  The student will: list, with limited guidance, the specific requirements that must be met by the 3D room, design, with limited guidance, tests to evaluate the product/solution against  the design specification

Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 17, 18

Final Year 8 project - Castle Building - Trimble (formerly Google) SketchUp

Unit Question: How does technology help us understand the past?

Area of Interaction - Human Ingenuity

Vocabulary: castle, moat, portcullis, drawbridge, keep, rampart, battlement, dungeon, barbican, tower, gatehouse, ward, inner curtain wall, outer curtain wall.

Before we begin, take a look at this website to get a feel for the Middle Ages.

Then, let's move on to the Investigate - Criterion A

·I. Identify the Problem
Write 2 paragraphs to introduce the project.  Remember to mention the "problem", why this project is relevant, how you will solve the problem, who your "customer" is.  Connect this project to Human Ingenuity.

II: Develop a Design Brief
Answer all questions in complete sentences. Use your own words and include detailed explanations.
1. Define stone castle.
2. What was the purpose of a castle in the Middle Ages?
3. Name 3 defensive features of a stone castle.
4. Research 2 Portuguese castles and summarize findings. Include image and details.
5.What is Trimble Sketchup8? (Research a definition and then write in your own words.)
6.What does CAD stand for?
7.What can a CAD program do? (Explain and include details.)                  
8.Which professions use CAD programs? (Name at least 3.)
9.What is Trimble Sketchup’s 3-D Warehouse? Explain in your own words and include details.

IB Learner Profile : Inquirer

Learning Objectives - The student will: consider the importance of the problem within a wider context and outline a simple design brief. The student will identify websites as possible sources of information, learn how to reference sources.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 8

Year 8, welcome back.  I hope you had an awesome holiday break and are ready to begin Term 3.

Before we do anything else, let's try to access our storage space in the OIS cloud.

To work in the cloud please follow these steps to success:
2. insert username/password (EXAMPLE:
3. Team Site
4. My Cloud
5. My Content 
6. Please insert your content here

Today we will finish our Evaluations . . .

Actually, we have class today (Week 2, Monday, period 4) and don't meet again until (Week 1, Wednesday, period 4).  Your Evaluation is due on Wednesday, April 17, period 4 at the beginning of class.

You should have most of your Evaluation finished and should only need to receive feedback on your film and give feedback to others.  You will need the tests that you created in the Investigation.

On the post below you will find the videos.  This should make the feedback process easy.

Let's go!!!!

IB Learner Profile - Reflective

Learning Objective - The Student will: carry out tests to compare the digital story against the design specification; consider the success (and/or failure) of the digital story in an objective manner based on testing, their own views and the views of the intended user; consider the impact of the digital story on individuals and/or on society; explain how the digital story could be improved.