Wednesday, April 9, 2014

8.2 Showtime

Year 8.2 below are the videos that you created to teach others about your culture.

Maartje B. - The Netherlands

Jisse G. - Dubai

Hussein H. - India

Pedro J. - Lisbon

Eva K. - Angola

Sofia L.

Cristian L.

José M. - Cascais

Inês M. - Braga

Tiago O.

Nathan P. -Toronto

Rosa P.

David R. - Spain

Teresa V. - Portugal

Camilla V.

Ryan - Australia

8.1 Showtime

Year 8.1 below are the videos that you created to teach others about your culture.

Sit back, relax, and ENJOY!

Tomás - Lisbon

Lauren -  USA (Southeast)

Luis - Madrid

Lourenço - Lisbon

João - Portugal

Nuno - Brazil

Sam - Belgium

Margaux - Southern France

Michel - Lisbon

 Catherine - London

 Francisco - Qatar

 Saif - London

 Shawn - Basque Country

Gregoire - Martinique

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Last Call

Year 8,

Let's try to finalize everything today.