Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 21, 22, 23, 26

Now, on to the CREATE - Criterion D (Maximum 6)

According to the IBO, " Students are expected to follow their plan, to evaluate the plan and to justify any changes they make to the plan while they are creating the product/solution."

To get a 5/6:  
You used appropriate techniques and equipment to create your prezi.
You followed the majority of the plan and mentioned any modifications made, resulting in a prezi of appropriate quality using the resources available.

Now, use your plan to create your prezi.

1. Use your plan as a checklist,
2. Create your prezi,
3. Write a paragraph to say if your plan worked and write about any changes you made to your design.

IB Learner Profile - Knowledgeable

Learning Objectives for Create: The student will: use appropriate techniques and equipment competently; follow the plan to produce the product/solution with minimal guidance; review the plan and explain any changes to the plan (when necessary); create a product/solution of appropriate quality.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November 12


Year 8, let's see if we can finish the Plan today.

Let's take 10 minutes to complete the steps of your production plan.

Next, write 1 paragraph stating why your plan will work.  Remember that you have done a Prezi tutorial, have practiced with Prezi, and had Prezi open when you were writing your plan.

IB Learner Profile: Thinker

Learning Objectives for Plan:  The student will: devise, with guidance, a series of logical steps to create the product/solution; construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective ue of resources and time; analyze the plan and explain the need for any modifications to the plan.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 9

Year 8, it's time to make a PLAN.

1. Open an Open Office document,
2. Type your name at the top left,
3. Space down, type:  PLAN (all caps, centre justify),
4. Space down, type: Resources

Let's brainstorm the resources each of you will need to create your prezi.

5. Type the list of resources that we have created,
6. Space down and type: Step by Step Plan,

Open Prezi

 7. Begin to create a list of the steps you will need to take to create your prezi presentation and the amount of time you think it will take (1 min is the minimum)

      Start like this:
       1. Open Prezi, 1 min
       2. Insert . . .

Continue on until you have included everything necessary to complete your prezi (remember you must include at least: 1 image, 1 YouTube video, rotated text, 1 drawing, and 1 shape.  Include how/when to insert the custom colour and custom font colours.

You have 2 class periods today to complete this. 

Learning Objectives for Plan:  The student will: devise, with guidance, a series of logical steps to create the product/solution; construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective ue of resources and time; analyze the plan and explain the need for any modifications to the plan.

check this out

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 7, 8

Year 8, I hope you had a great half-term.

Today we will finish documenting the Design:

1.  Evaluate each design against your design specification. (Design 1 meets my design specification because . . .)
2.  Choose 1 design and write a paragraph to justify your choice.

IB Learner Profile - Communicator

Learning objectives - The student will: generate 2 designs that attempt to meet the design specification;, compare the designs against the design specifications and identify the pros and cons of each design; select one design and explain its choice.