Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 29, 30, 31, June 3


Now, on to the CREATE - Criterion D

Use your chosen design and create a Trimble SketchUp castle design of appropriate quality using the resources available.

 1. Open a Document and title it "Process Journal". You are to document the steps that you take to create your castle.  In diary style - include the date and the period and say what you did in class that day. If you work at home, please document it.  Include print screens.

2. Write a paragraph reflecting on the process of creating your castle and say whether your plan worked. In addition, state any modifications you made to your original design. (Was your design detailed enough? Did you make any modifications? Why?)

3. If you didn't make any modifications to your design, please write 1 sentence saying that you din't make any modifications to your design.  (Example: I did not make any modifications to my design.)

IBO Learner Profile:  Knowledgeable

Learning objective: The student will: use appropriate techniques and equipment competently; ensure a safe working environment for themselves and others; create a product/solution of appropriate quality.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 17, 20

Year 8, it's time to make a PLAN.

1. Open a document (Word/Google),
2. Title your document, Term 3 Plan,
3. Type your name at the top left,
4. Space down, type:  PLAN (all caps, centre justify),
5. Space down, type: Resources

Let's brainstorm the resources each of you will need to create your castle in Trimbel SketchUp.

6. Type the list of resources that we have created,
7. Space down and type: Step-by-Step Plan
8. Begin to create a list of the steps you will need to take to create your castle and the amount of time you think it will take (1 min is the minimum)

      Start like this:
       1. Open Trimble SketchUp -  1 min
       2. Insert . . .

Continue on until you have included everything necessary to complete your castle.

9. Write a paragraph saying why you think this plan will work.

Plan due May 29, at the beginning of class.

IB Learner Profile: Knowledgeable

Learning Objectives for Plan:  The student will: devise, with guidance, a series of logical steps to create the product/solution; construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective ue of resources and time; analyze the plan and explain the need for any modifications to the plan.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 6, 15, 16


Year 8, now that you know what you can do with Trimble SketchUp, it's on to the Design - Criterion B.

Your tasks are:

  • generate a range of designs (3) that attempt to meet the design specifications
  • compare the designs against the design specifications and identify the pros and cons of each design
  • select one design and explain its choice.
Work schedule (including homework):
   May 6 Classwork - Complete Design 1 during class
   May 6 Homework - Complete Design 2
   May 15 Classwork - Complete Design 3
   May 15 Homework - Compare the designs against the design specifications and identify the pros and cons of each design,
   May 16 Classwork - Select one design and explain its choice

Final due date: May 16 at the end of class.

IB Learner Profile: Thinker

Learning objectives - The student will: generate 3 designs that attempt to meet the design specification;, compare the designs against the design specifications and identify the pros and cons of each design; select one design and explain its choice.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 3


Year 8, let's start the morning with a little vocab quiz. This is the medieval castle vocabulary that I gave you at the beginning of the unit. You will have 2 opportunities to answer correctly.  Good luck!

Now that you have a bit of experience with Trimble SketchUp, let's take things one step further;)

Let's move on to the Castle Tutorial.  The tutorial is a bit long but it is WAY.COOL!

Castle Building tutorial:  http://pcastserver.sch.im:8171/podcastproducer/attachments/369E9806-C692-4A88-A411-519A0C2C2221/1E7122F8-5E65-4F9A-873E-0BDFDAFD61B1.m4v

For easy access:  Tour of the Castle Rushen.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 2


Year 8, today we are going to learn the basics of Trimble SketchUp. Use the following link to view a series of video tutorials that will make using SketchUp a snap;)

IB Learner Profile - Inquirer