Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 14

Year 8, finish your step-by-step Plan (Criterion C) today.

Write a paragraph evaluating the plan (saying why it will work- Remember that you plan will work because:  1) you have done a tutorial, 2) you have made a practice photostory, 3) you had PhotoStory 3 open when you were creating your plan.;-).

Remember to leave me a comment to tell me that you understood your assignment;-)  

Learning Objectives for Plan:  The student will: devise, with guidance, a series of logical steps to create the product/solution; construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective ue of resources and time; analyze the plan and explain the need for any modifications to the plan.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 9

PLAN - Criterion C Maximum 6

Let's look at the assessment rubric: http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AZHvRJKjycg1ZGdnNHBieDhfMzZncGoydm5jbg&hl=en

Let's look at an example of how to start;-)  Let's look at the PLAN tab at the top of this blog.

3 Tasks
1 - Make a list of the resources we will use.
2 - Make a table with the steps needed to create our digital story - Include the time it will take for each step.

Learning Objectives for Plan:  The student will: devise, with guidance, a series of logical steps to create the product/solution; construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective ue of resources and time; analyze the plan and explain the need for any modifications to the plan.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 6

Year 8, let's stay focused today and finish the Design.

We have 2 tasks today.

1.  We will create an introduction and an end image for your digital story using PowerPoint 2010.
2.  You will complete your storyborard.  Choose 2 frames (I strongly recommend the first and the last) on which you will change the transition.  Open PhotoStory 3, look at the different transitions (they all have names) and insert the name of the transition on the selected frame.

It's that easy Year 8.

Let's go!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 5

Year 8, the Storyboard is almost finished.

1. Insert the name of the music you will use OR say that you will create music.

This is NOT an opportunity to use YouTube to listen to music. If you know which song you will use, then insert the name of that song into your storyboard. (You will then, FOR HOMEWORK, organize an MP3 version of this song. You will then bring the music to school.).

2. Decide which frames will contain "text". Then insert the text on the corresponding frame (see example of this on the November 16 blog post image;-)

That's it for today.

*REMEMBER if you do not finish this during class, you must finish it for homework.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 2


Today you will justify your choice of image.

Acceptable justifications will include but are not limited to the following: (this means that I will make some suggestions here based on what we have already talked about but you should be able to come up with some more GOOD justifications.  Remember, we said that "Well, I really like this picture." isn't a good justification.

1. Resolution (it has a higher resolution)
2. Composition
3. Supports your narration
4. It uses Point of View by . . .
5. A good example of . . .
6. It is well framed because . . .
7. The background is better because . . .
8.  Your own idea . . .

More tips can be found here: Beginning Photography Tips:  http://www.hp.com/united-states/consumer/digital_photography/take_better_photos/tips/arrange.html

You will finish this today and submit your work at the end of class.

Learning objective  -  The student will: select one design and explain its choice.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 25, 30

Year 8, now is the moment you have been waiting for: Image collecting!

Create a folder for your images.  Collect 2 images for each frame in your storyboard. Keep the url's from your images.

Insert the images into your storyboard.  REMEMBER:  The image you will use goes into Column B;-)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 22

Year 8 - I think you understand what you are doing now;-)

Add the Narration, Music.

Don't worry about the images just yet.

IB Learner Profile:  Knowledgable

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 16, (November 18 No Classes), November 21

Year 8 - We lost our internet connection Wednesday, November 16 so let's continue looking at how we can justify our image choice and review the instructions for the storyboard.

Today, November 21 you should finish inserting the Narration into your storyboard.

We are now on to  Design - Criterion B (maximum 6 points). You are expected to create a storyboard for your digital story.

Let's refresh our memory in regard to storyboards: http://accad.osu.edu/womenandtech/Storyboard%20Resource/

1. Insert a 3-column table into a word document
2. Begin with the Narration
3. Include TransitionMusic; Title
4. Color Code your information.

5.  Copy/paste your Narration into separate frames from the script that you wrote last week.
6.  Create a file folder to keep your photos/images.
7.  Collect 2 possible images (for each frame) to use in your digital story and SAVE them in the folder that you have just created. Remember that you must import the images into PhotoStory 3;-) 

You can take your own photos or do a search on a search engine such as Google.  Remember to save the URL of the image so you can reference the source.

8. Insert 2 possible images, choose 1 and justify your choice.

Now, let's look at some possible justifications:  ResolutionComposition10 Tips.

Learning objective  -  The student will: select one design and explain its choice.

November 11

Miguel found a tutorial that he liked very much. Miguel, thanks for sharing.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 11

Year 8 - It's 11.11.11

Make a wish

Now that you are finished with your script let's continue with a tutorial for PhotoStory 3.

Here is an online tutorial from the University of Houston:


try this YouTube tutorial.

Learner Profile: Inquirer

Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 7, 8


Welcome back Year 8. I hope you had a great break and are ready to get back to work. Our task for November 7 and 8 is to write your script. Your script is the narrative for your digital story.

Remember, this is a story. A story about your country or culture. The most important part of a story is the STORY. Next week you will gather and add images that will support your story. But for today and tomorrow, your task is to decide what you want people to know about your country or culture AND write your script.

Let's go!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 21, 26, 28

3.Formulate a Design Specification

My digital-story will have the following design specifications:

·         a minimum of 15 photos/images,
·         at least 2 photos should include text/title,
·         at least 2 photos should have an “transition/motion”,
·         background music,
·         narration (voice overlay) appropriate to topic,
·         time length - approximately 2 minutes,
·         each student presentation should creatively display relative information.

Then,  (Create a test to evaluate your product.  Make a questionnaire that will ask 1 question for each item in your Design Specification)

To test my product I will create a questionnaire.  On a scale of 1-5 (1 = awful, 5 = awesome) I will
ask the following questions:

Learning objectives: The student will design, with guidance, tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 18

Year 8 - Have a wonderful day at the Oceanário!  See you Friday;-)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 17

Year 8 - let's try to finish up the questions today.

Learning objectives: The student will identify websites as possible sources of information, learn how to reference sources.

3.Formulate a Design Specification

·         a minimum of 15 photos/images,
·         at least 2 photos should include text/title,
·         at least 2 photos should have an “transition/motion”,
·         background music,
·         narration (voice overlay) appropriate to topic,
·         time length - approximately 2 minutes,
·         each student presentation should creatively display relative information.

2) Create a test to evaluate your product.  Make a questionnaire that will ask 1 question for each item in your Design Specification

Learning objectives: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 7, 12, 14

More research;-)

Please write your answers in complete sentences.

                  5.  What is a tutorial?  (Explain in your own words.)

6. a. What is image hosting? (Explain in your own words. Give details.). 
    b. Why would someone use an image hosting service? 
7. Name 2 free image hosting sites. (Include the url for each).
8. What is video hosting? (Explain in your own words. Give details.).
9. Name 3 free video hosting sites. (Include the url for each).
10. Which video hosting site would you use and why (Explain and give details)?
11. What is a storyboard? Explain in your own words.

Learning objectives: The student will identify websites as possible sources of information, learn how to reference sources.

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3

Now, let's continue with our research:
Answer these questions and write in complete sentences:

1.What is digital story-telling? Explain in your own words.

2. Which programs can we use for digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used: include print screens, URL's and other important information.

3. Are either of these tools freeware ( Freeware: Legally obtainable software that you may use at no cost, monetary or otherwise, for as long as you wish . ) ? If, yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is freeware .

4. Find 2 educational dig ital stories online. Supply each URL and give a small summary of each of the stories. (http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/ )

Learning objectives: The student will identify websites as possible sources of information, learn how to reference sources.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 28, 30

2.  Develop a Design Brief
     To solve the problem I will investigate the following:

Design Brief - This is where we conduct research which will help us solve our problem.
Remember to research the problem and cite your sources (Use in-text referencing, Use more than 5 sources).
Give complete information; use print screens, URL's and include details to support your answers. Your goal is to conduct a thorough investigation and become a master researcher;-)

Answer these questions and write in complete sentences:

.What is digital story-telling? Explain in your own words.
2. Which programs can we use for digital storytelling? Name 2 programs that can be used: include print screens, URL's and other important information.
3. Are either of these tools freeware ( Freeware: Legally obtainable software that you may use at no cost, monetary or otherwise, for as long as you wish . ) ? If, yes, name that program. If no, continue searching until you find one that is freeware .
4. Find 2 educational dig ital stories online. Supply each URL and give a small summary of each of the stories. (http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/ )

Learning objectives: The student will identify websites as possible sources of information, learn how to reference sources.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20


Year 8, so sorry that we did not have any computers today to continue the introduction to our projects.  When we made the Google Docs accounts I told you that if there was a problem with the computers that it would be my responsibility and not yours.  I hope you enjoyed your free time today but the problem has been solved and we will be working again next time we meet;-)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 19

Year 8 Follow the template to write your introduction.  You need 2 paragraphs.  Our Area of Interaction is Human Ingenuity.

Learning Objectives - The student will: consider the importance of the problem within a wider context and outline a simple design brief.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 16

Did we all open Google Docs accounts?  (http://docs.google.com)

Year 8 we have a really good project ahead of us - let's get started.

Today we will work on Criterion A (Investigate). Remember that the Investigate has 3 steps: 1. Identify the problem, 2. Develop a Design Brief, and 3. Formulate a Design Specification.

Identify the Problem is the first task in the Investigation and it's where we define our problem and offer a solution.  This is the introduction to the project.

For a template to follow for the entire INVESTIGATE - Criterion A, please click on the Investigate Template tab (above) on this blog.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 27

Year 8, we are almost done with the school year.  Wednesday is our final Activity Day and I'm sure we will all have fun at the beach and Friday is only a half day but before we go we still have a few classes so let's make the best of our time.

Today I'd like to acquaint you with BBC Kids and their wonderful website.

Learning Objective - The student will: learn about what a great resource BBC Kids is and have fun playing educational games.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 20, 22

Keep Kids in School and Out of Coal Mines

Year 8, we are almost finished.  Today I will come around and grade your Google SketchUp building and collect your evaluations.

Above please find a link that might be of interest to you and a follow-up on our Term 2 Child Labour Project.

June 13, 15, 16

Continue with the Create.  When you are finished, write a paragraph reflecting on the creation process.

Then move on to EVALUATE - Criterion E, maximum 6
1.  Print the questionnaire (that you created in the Investigate) and show your CAD building to 5 people and ask them to answer your questionnaire.
2. Write a paragraph to "analyze" the feedback. In other words write about the scores that you received and say how your CAD building could be improved based on the feedback.
3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create AND suggest ways that you can improve your performance. (You need 4 paragraphs here).
4.Write a final paragraph saying if you accomplished your goal and what impact it will have. In other words, look at the unit question - were you successful? Explain.  Remember we were successful.  Each of you has built a building that will positively contribute to our "perfect" community.

Learning objectives - The student will: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved, consider the impact of the product/solution on individuals and/or society, and explain how the product/solution could be improved.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 6, 8, 9

Continue with the Create.  When you are finished, write a paragraph reflecting on the creation process.

Then move on to EVALUATE - Criterion E, maximum 6
1.  Print the questionnaire (that you created in the Investigate) and show your CAD building to 5 people and ask them to answer your questionnaire.
2. Write a paragraph to "analyze" the feedback. In other words write about the scores that you received and say how your CAD building could be improved based on the feedback.
3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create AND suggest ways that you can improve your performance. (You need 4 paragraphs here).
4.Write a final paragraph saying if you accomplished your goal and what impact it will have. In other words, look at the unit question - were you successful? Explain.  Remember we were successful.  Each of you has built a building that will positively contribute to our "perfect" community.

Learning objectives - The student will: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved, consider the impact of the product/solution on individuals and/or society, and explain how the product/solution could be improved.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 30, June 1, June 2

Year 8 - When you finish with your Design, let's move to Create - Criterion D (maximum 6 points)

2 Tasks:

  • Create your building
  • Write a reflection on the creation process.  Did you make any modifications or changes to your original design? 
Learning Objectives for Create:  The student will: use appropriate techniques and equipment competently; create a product/solution of appropriate quality.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 23, 25

Year 8, on second thought you NEED a design.  Why?  It will help you define what you want to create before you begin creating.  It will help you stay more focused and keep to your design specification.

Learning objectives - The student will: generate 3 designs that attempt to meet the design specification;, compare the designs against the design specifications and identify the pros and cons of each design; select one design and explain its choice.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 19 - It's Quiz Time

Before you begin, please take a few minutes to complete the following quiz on the MYP Design Cycle:
This mini-Design Cycle quiz will register all of your answers.  It's fun!  Give it a try!

Now, let's finish our Investigations today and submit them before you leave;-)

Learning objective - The student will: consider the importance of the problem for life, society and/or the environment; collect and select information, organize it logically and, with guidance, begin to analyse it; list, with guidance, the specific requirements that must be met by the product/solution, design, with guidance, tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 16, 18, 19

Year 8, we are back in business!

Before we begin, please check the computer you are sitting at to make sure that Google SketchUp 8 is installed;-)

Now, let's see where we are:

INVESTIGATE - Criterion A:
1)Identify the Problem (write 2 paragraphs; 1 introduction, 1 connecting to AOI)
2)Develop a Design Brief (ask and answer questions to help you solve the problem, collect info, complete tutorial)
3) Formulate a Design Specification (detailed list of characteristics that product must be/adhere to; create test to evaluate product)

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9

Whether you like Coca Cola or not, you have to applaud their 125th anniversary.

Develop a Design Brief: Answer the following questions. Write in complete sentences. Use in-text referencing.
1.What is Google Sketchup7?
2.What does CAD stand for?
3.What can a CAD program do? Explain and include details.
4.Which professions use CAD programs? (Name at least 3)
5.Decide which building you will contribute, and then research this type of building.
6.Include images of at least 3 different buildings and evaluate each to gather ideas and
7.What is Google Sketchup’s 3-D Warehouse? Explain in your own words and include details.
8.How can you use this tool to help you? Explain in your own words and include details.

When you have finished answering these questions, please start working on the "New to Google Sketchup" tutorials to learn how the programme works. http://sketchup.google.com/intl/en/training/videos.html 

Learning Objective - The student will: ask relevant questions at the different stages of the investigation; identify appropriate sources of information and acknowledge these using a recognized convention; consider, with guidance, the value of sources of information. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

May 2, 4, 5

Year 8 - Term 3 has already started so let's get down to business;-)

Today we will look at the Unit of Work and the Assessment Rubric and then begin our Investigation.

Remember that there are 3 separate tasks in the Investigate stage of the Design Cycle: Identify the problemDevelop a design briefFormulate a design specification.

Today during class we will complete 1: Identify the problem

Write a paragraph that will Identify the Problem (minimum of 5 or 6 sentences )
To ensure success follow this template. . .

1 sentence - State the problem that you are going to solve. *

1 sentence - Restate (say again in your own words) the problem (from Unit of Work)
2-3 sentences - Say why you think this project is relevant (why are we building the perfect city using Google SketchUp?)
1-2 Sentences – Say how you will solve the problem
1-2 sentences – Say how Human Ingenuity connects to your project

*Example: The problem I am going to solve in IT class this term is, “How can Google SketchUp help me contribute to my community?"

Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 11, 13

Year 8 - I would like you to know just how important a production plan is. Sooooo, we are going to conduct a little experiment.  Each of you will use a plan to create a classmate's tri-fold pamphlet. 

Then, we will get together to see if the plan worked exactly and to compare the pamphlets with one another.

This is going to be so much fun.  Let's go!

Learning objective:  The student will learn that production plans are valuable tools.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 4, 6

1. Print the questionnaire (that you created in the Investigate) and show your tri-fold pamphlet to 5 people and ask them to answer your questionnaire.
2. Write a paragraph to "analyze" the feedback. In other words write about the scores that you received and say how your tri-fold pamphlet could be improved.
3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create AND suggest ways that you can improve your performance. (You need 4 paragraphs here).
4. Write a final paragraph saying if you accomplished your goal and what impact it will have. In other words, look at the unit question - were you successful? Explain.

Learning objectives: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 28, 30


Year 8 - Let's continue on with the Evaluate.  It is due no later than end of class on March 30;-)

1. Print the questionnaire (that you created in the Investigate) and show your tri-fold pamphlet to 5 people and ask them to answer your questionnaire.
2. Write a paragraph to "analyze" the feedback. In other words write about the scores that you received and say how your tri-fold pamphlet could be improved.
3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create AND suggest ways that you can improve your performance. (You need 4 paragraphs here).
4. Write a final paragraph saying if you accomplished your goal and what impact it will have. In other words, look at the unit question - were you successful? Explain.

Learning objectives: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 21, 23, 24

1. Print the questionnaire (that you created in the Investigate) and show your digital story to 5 people and ask them to answer your questionnaire.
2. Write a paragraph to "analyze" the feedback. In other words write about the scores that you received and say how your tri-fold pamphlet could be improved.
3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create AND suggest ways that you can improve your performance. (You need 4 paragraphs here).
4. Write a final paragraph saying if you accomplished your goal and what impact it will have. In other words, look at the unit question - were you successful? Explain.

Learning objectives: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 16

Year 8 -

Please finish your Create.  Submit  your pamphlet and the paragraph evaluating your plan;-)

Then, let's move on to EVALUATE - Criterion E (maximum 6)

1.Students are expected to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification in an objective manner based on testing, and to evaluate its impact on life, society and/or the environment. They are expected to explain how the product/solution could be improved as a result of these evaluations.
2.Students are expected to evaluate their own performance at each stage of the design cycle and to suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

To get a 6 the student: evaluates the success of the product/solution considering the results of testing, and the views of the user. The student evaluates their own performance at some stages of the design cycle and considers improvements. The student considers the impact of the product/solution on life, society and/or the environment.
1. Print the questionnaire (that you created in the Investigate) and show your tri-fold pamphlet to 5 people and ask them to answer your questionnaire.

Learning objectives - The student will: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 14

Year 8, Welcome back!  I hope you are all well rested.

We have a double so let's finish our pamphlets today!!!

Now, use your plan to create your tri-fold pamphlet.

1. Follow your plan,
2. Create your tri-fold pamphlet,
3. Write a paragraph to say if your plan worked and write about any changes you made to your design.

Learning Objectives for Create:  The student will: use appropraite techniques and equipment competently; follow the plan to produce the product/solution with minimal guidance; review the plan and explain any changes to the plan (when necessary); create a product/solution of appropriate quality.

Monday, February 28, 2011

March 2, 3

Year 8 - we are on to the CREATE, Criterion D, Maximum 6

Now, use your plan to create your tri-fold pamphlet.

1. Follow your plan,
2. Create your tri-fold pamphlet,
3. Write a paragraph to say if your plan worked and write about any changes you made to your design.

Learning Objectives for Create:  The student will: use appropriate techniques and equipment competently; follow the plan to produce the product/solution with minimal guidance; review the plan and explain any changes to the plan (when necessary); create a product/solution of appropriate quality.

Friday, February 18, 2011

February 21, 23, 28

Year 8, please finish your Criterion B designs and the accompanying documentation today and submit it. 

Then, let's move onto Criterion C - PLAN - Maximum 6

In this section: Students are expected to construct a plan to create their chosen product/solution that has a series of logical steps, and that makes effective use of resources and time.
Students are expected to evaluate the plan and justify any modifications to the design.

To get a 5/6:

  • The student produces a plan that contains a number of logical steps that include resources and time.
  • The student evaluates the plan and attempts to justify any modifications to the design.
3 Tasks
1 - Make a list of the resources we will use.
2 - Make a table with the steps needed to create our digital story - Include the time it will take for each step.
3 - Write a paragraph evaluating the plan (saying why it will work- Remember that you plan will work because:  1) you have lots of practice with Publisher 2010, 2) you had Publisher open when you were creating your plan.;-).

Learning Objectives for Plan:  The student will: devise, with guidance, a series of logical steps to create the product/solution; construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective ue of resources and time; analyze the plan and explain the need for any modifications to the plan.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17


Year 8,  You are working very hard this week.  Well done!

Today we will finish the 3rd Tri-Fold Pamphlet design.  Afterwards, you will document your learning.  Look at the Design Template tab on this blog.

Learning objectives - The student will: generate 3 designs that attempt to meet the design specification;, compare the designs against the design specifications and identify the pros and cons of each design; select one design and explain its choice.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 14, February 16

Design - Criterion B - Maximum 6 points

Now you have loads of information about what Publisher 2010 can do!  So let's take this project one step further.

First, we will look at Microsoft Publisher 2010 tri-fold pamphlets to get instructions that will help us organize our information on our tri-fold pamphlets;

Then, we will each get 3 sheets of paper, fold them into thirds and we will design 3 different possible tri-fold pamphlets. Let's go Year 8!!!

Learning Objective: The student will be able to: generate several feasible designs that meet the design specification.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 7, 9

Good morning Year 8.

Please print your Investigations and hand them in.

Today we are going to explore Publisher 2010.
1. Let's take a look around Microsoft Publisher 2010 - a view from the outside http://desktoppub.about.com/od/microsoft/ig/Microsoft-Publisher-2010/Word---Publisher-2010.htm
2. Next, open Publisher 2010 and scan Publication Types and then Brochures.  Click on one to open it and let's discuss the information that is on the template.
3. Now let's look at Microsoft Publisher 2010 - a view from the inside: 
4.  Now it's your turn - Have fun!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 31, February 2

Year 8 - Now it's your turn to   3.  Formulate a Design Specification

A Design Specification is a statement (list) that tells the designer exactly what the product has to do and what the design requirements are.

What kinds of Design Specifications are appropriate for a written document?
1.  Let's brainstorm and you will complete your list.
2.  Now, create test to evaluate your product.  Remember to include a rating scale (on a scale of 1 to 10.  1=legendary, 10=lame) please answer the following questions.

Learning Objective - The Student will:  understand the concept and importance of the design specification, and understand the importance of testing to determine the success of the product/solution and, with guidance, design a simple test.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 24, 26

Great!  Year 8 - we are now onto the 2nd stage of the Investigate:

2.  Develop a Design Brief
This is the section that we ask questions that will help "drive" the investigation.  That is, we will create questions that you can research and the answers will give you enough information to help you solve your problem.

Aspects that we want to take into consideration are:
 1). gather information on Child Labour to include in  your pamphlet
          - you might want to select information on several examples/countries
2). gather images for support
3). how can people help?  gather information and links on organizations that help
4). research Microsoft Publisher 2010

Let's brainstorm some questions that will help you with your research;-)

1) What information on Child Labour can I include in my tri-fold pamphlet?
2) What images are related to Child Labour and can support my information?
3) How can people help?  What information and links on organizations can I find to include in my tri-fold pamphlet? 

Note: please remember to include the URL's you visit;-)

Learning Objective - The student will: ask relevant questions at the different stages of the investigation; identify appropriate sources of information and acknowledge these using a recognized convention; consider, with guidance, the value of sources of information.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 17, 19

 Year 8, First let's take a look at the handout to learn a little about the problem of child labour.  (This should take 1 period).

Next, let's begin the first stage of the Investigation - 1.  Identify the Problem.  This is the introduction to your project.  This paragraph lets the reader know what the problem is, how you are going to solve it, who your intended audience is and how it connects to "Health and Social Education".  If you have any questions about how to construct your paragraph you have loads of options: 1)  Look at the work you did in Term 1 and use it as a guide, 2) access the Investigate Template tab at the top of this blog, 3) ask the teacher for feedback on what you have written ;-)

Learning objective - The student will: outline a simple design brief; consider the importance of the problem for life, society and/or the environment.