Tuesday, April 26, 2011

May 2, 4, 5

Year 8 - Term 3 has already started so let's get down to business;-)

Today we will look at the Unit of Work and the Assessment Rubric and then begin our Investigation.

Remember that there are 3 separate tasks in the Investigate stage of the Design Cycle: Identify the problemDevelop a design briefFormulate a design specification.

Today during class we will complete 1: Identify the problem

Write a paragraph that will Identify the Problem (minimum of 5 or 6 sentences )
To ensure success follow this template. . .

1 sentence - State the problem that you are going to solve. *

1 sentence - Restate (say again in your own words) the problem (from Unit of Work)
2-3 sentences - Say why you think this project is relevant (why are we building the perfect city using Google SketchUp?)
1-2 Sentences – Say how you will solve the problem
1-2 sentences – Say how Human Ingenuity connects to your project

*Example: The problem I am going to solve in IT class this term is, “How can Google SketchUp help me contribute to my community?"

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