Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 14

Year 8, finish your step-by-step Plan (Criterion C) today.

Write a paragraph evaluating the plan (saying why it will work- Remember that you plan will work because:  1) you have done a tutorial, 2) you have made a practice photostory, 3) you had PhotoStory 3 open when you were creating your plan.;-).

Remember to leave me a comment to tell me that you understood your assignment;-)  

Learning Objectives for Plan:  The student will: devise, with guidance, a series of logical steps to create the product/solution; construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective ue of resources and time; analyze the plan and explain the need for any modifications to the plan.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 9

PLAN - Criterion C Maximum 6

Let's look at the assessment rubric: http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AZHvRJKjycg1ZGdnNHBieDhfMzZncGoydm5jbg&hl=en

Let's look at an example of how to start;-)  Let's look at the PLAN tab at the top of this blog.

3 Tasks
1 - Make a list of the resources we will use.
2 - Make a table with the steps needed to create our digital story - Include the time it will take for each step.

Learning Objectives for Plan:  The student will: devise, with guidance, a series of logical steps to create the product/solution; construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective ue of resources and time; analyze the plan and explain the need for any modifications to the plan.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 6

Year 8, let's stay focused today and finish the Design.

We have 2 tasks today.

1.  We will create an introduction and an end image for your digital story using PowerPoint 2010.
2.  You will complete your storyborard.  Choose 2 frames (I strongly recommend the first and the last) on which you will change the transition.  Open PhotoStory 3, look at the different transitions (they all have names) and insert the name of the transition on the selected frame.

It's that easy Year 8.

Let's go!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 5

Year 8, the Storyboard is almost finished.

1. Insert the name of the music you will use OR say that you will create music.

This is NOT an opportunity to use YouTube to listen to music. If you know which song you will use, then insert the name of that song into your storyboard. (You will then, FOR HOMEWORK, organize an MP3 version of this song. You will then bring the music to school.).

2. Decide which frames will contain "text". Then insert the text on the corresponding frame (see example of this on the November 16 blog post image;-)

That's it for today.

*REMEMBER if you do not finish this during class, you must finish it for homework.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 2


Today you will justify your choice of image.

Acceptable justifications will include but are not limited to the following: (this means that I will make some suggestions here based on what we have already talked about but you should be able to come up with some more GOOD justifications.  Remember, we said that "Well, I really like this picture." isn't a good justification.

1. Resolution (it has a higher resolution)
2. Composition
3. Supports your narration
4. It uses Point of View by . . .
5. A good example of . . .
6. It is well framed because . . .
7. The background is better because . . .
8.  Your own idea . . .

More tips can be found here: Beginning Photography Tips:  http://www.hp.com/united-states/consumer/digital_photography/take_better_photos/tips/arrange.html

You will finish this today and submit your work at the end of class.

Learning objective  -  The student will: select one design and explain its choice.